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Windows IoT
Windows 10 IoT Core is a version of Windows 10 that is optimized for smaller devices with or without a display, and that runs on the Raspberry Pi 2, Arrow DragonBoard 410c & MinnowBoard MAX. Windows 10 IoT Core utilizes the rich, extensible Universal Windows Platform (UWP) API for building great solutions.
Free Microsoft Training
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With hundreds of courses to choose from, you´re sure to find what you need! Microsoft Virtual Academy provides free, online training to help Developers, IT and Data Professionals, and students learn the latest technology, build their skills, and advance their careers. Explore a wide range of app and mobile development training courses, from C# and XAML to cross-platform apps with Xamarin. Plus, learn tools like MVC, AngularJS, and Bootstrap, along with techniques to build responsive, reliable web applications.
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for anyone making interactive projects.